Monday, April 15, 2013


Rewards-plural of reward defined as a thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement. Recognition on the other hand is defined as the action or process-identification of a thing or person from previous encounters or knowledge. While Celebration is defined as action of marking one’s pleasure at an important event or occasion by engaging in enjoyable, typically social activity. An Australian, Adam Smith made history at the 77th Masters golf tournament at the Augusta National Golf Club which earned him “The Green Jacket” considered to be the greatest individual award, and the most coveted prize in the world of golf. Green is the color of self-respect and well-being or balance. It could also represent learning, growth and harmony. Young 32year old Adam Scott won 2013 edition of the Masters Golf Tournament that earned him The Green Jacket… Is perhaps the greatest external motivator for driving superior performance, most pursued piece of clothing for any professional golfer. The green Jacket-means that you are part of an ultra-exclusive community for life. It can only be earned by overcoming world-class competition. Guarantees you a very special place in the history books and is a symbol of excellence, victory and immortality. In the words of Gary Ryan Blair: “A reward is an extrinsic symbol for the enforcement and celebration of intrinsic values.” He further asserts Goals are natural value generators, often because of what you learn and become en route to their achievement. But having a reward that honors and symbolizes that achievement is a powerful motivator for continued progress and performance excellence. If you want to improve your performance results, increase innovation to gain and sustain competitive advantages, create an environment that fosters excellence and ethical behavior then you must make rewards and recognition standard protocol. Whether it’s a war hero receiving a Medal of Honor, an Olympic athlete winning a Gold Medal, an author being granted a Pulitzer Prize, a martial artist earning a Black-Belt, or a young child winning a trophy for a local spelling bee-rewards and recognition promote and define excellence. Every year as someone receives some reward, or recognition I look forward to celebrating a new year 16th April, as life is a gift and worth celebrating. Go on and celebrate yourself if no one celebrates, recognizes or rewards you.

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